Six Birthdays and a Lifetime

It feels like it wasn't so long ago when Ronald and I were sitting next to each other in a gazebo at the back of Tuna Deli -- that now-crappy bar that we used to love going to. We were celebrating his birthday night together, drinking, while the rest of his family prayed that his sister from Down Under safely deliver her first baby girl.

Sophia turns six today. Tempus fugit.

Six birthdays, five years and two months together, a slew of (mis)adventures that shaped our relationship. Like a diamond perfected from the rough. It's not the smoothest there is. There are bumps and sharp corners and some unpolished surfaces. But I guess the best thing about it is that we love all beauty and the imperfections in equal measure. We have learned to appreciate the best in each other, and handle the worst, so that at the end of the day, we remain whole and sane and looking forward to what lies for us tomorrow.

Today, I wish him  joy. I wish him  more of the happiness that I see in him each time we stop in our tracks and talk about the "future". I wish to see him light up more frequently, like he does, when he thinks about the house and Tala's books. I wish to spend more birthdays with him and a life full of travels and triumphs in between.

I wish him all the best the life can bring and I can give.

Here's a picture from Ronald's first airplane ride, which is not exactly our first major "flight."

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