Reality bites

It's been five days since my last blog. Needless to say, I've been busy coming to terms with the sad reality that school is back to bite me.

I've been taking my sweet time, writing as I pleased, working as I pleased, drinking as I pleased, and then this:

16 cases, BP 129, Family Courts Act, RA 7961, DARAB New Rules of Procedure, Voluntary Arbitration Act, Securities Code and at least five other court issuances.

Just when you think it couldn't get any worse, it did, of course. I officially opened recitation season and was forced to plumb my sleepy brains for such long-forgotten stuff like the types of actions according to subject matter, types of action according to binding effect, significance of the distinctions, types of jurisdiction, etc. We didn't get to discuss the entire assignment, but now we're supposed to read 18 additional cases, Rules 1 and 2 and Regalado's annotations, and other scattered provisions.

And did I mention that's only one subject? I also need to review the entire book on negotiable instruments for another subject, read 24 cases and 20 provisions for yet another, three cases and three provisions for yet another--all for this week. And one prof has yet to give his first homework.

What a way to get jolted back to the reality that life is a lot of things happening at the same time, and living is the never-ending struggle to stay sane and keep oneself afloat.

One good news to cap the week: I passed Labor, Crim and Poli. Just waiting for the Civ 1 results but that's always been the least of my problems. So it's looking like half of the final hurdle is over.

And so I live, and I'm biting back.

1 comment:

Tarcs said...

Hey Allen:
Just to let you know - Im a regular reader. We've known each other for years but I've found out more about you from reading your posts :-). Looking forward to more.

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